Be your own master!

We usually tend to go with the flow and let everything come as it is. We take whatever Life gives us and try not to be different. But at some point, things start to go messed up and we wonder: why?

It is because we missed the most important activity – setting up OUR intention, making up OUR plans. When you don’t have a plan, somebody or something makes it for you, and you may not like it too much.

Like that saying “if you don’t work for your dreams, somebody will use your energy and pay you to work for theirs”...
It is strange and also sad how we forget about ourselves on the path of just being, helping others, and doing things that need to be done. We remember about inner selves when we feel bad, we are ill, or something shakes us badly. That is the very moment when we start thinking and even talking to God/Gods/Godesses or Else.

Photo by Pixabay on

It happened to me also, a couple of times before, but latest a couple of weeks before today. Some colds made me so sick that I felt I will literally die – and we, women don’t die from colds like men do. We somehow endure much more.

I can say that it took me to the edge of being alive, between the worlds… so close to the other one that I literally heard voices whispering, haunting my breath… then I remembered that there are so many souls waiting for a body to haunt… still, I was not scared, but very conscious about the risks nearby.

What I did was just to talk to the Universe, pointing out that I too am a part of It and needed help to stay sane.

My temperature was so high that at some point I heard my father – with passed away a few months ago, calling me to wake up… and indeed the feeling then was lots of black shadows were trying to cover me…

I am writing this now for other single people living alone as I am, to keep in mind that very much can be done with the least of Faith. No matter how bad it is, there is always Hope! Keep your trust clean and you can overcome everything!

When you start a journey to spirituality, to cleaning the energies, or some own path you decide for your own good, various trials and temptations may occur. And when they come, know that you are on the right way and keep your faith!

Photo by Inna Lesyk on

You are the only one that makes things happen

My writing comes from nowhere, I just feel to write from time to time. Decided to share only my reality, own feelings, and thoughts that can eventually someday help someone.
I always wondered why nobody wrote a book for Life? a manual to do things to succeed!? With steps to follow and clues to measure, but then I ask myself – who would have trusted others?? Lol… none. And also one might say that we have a Bible, a Coran, or apocryphal books, and still, they do not apply to all of us entirely.

Recently in a discussion with a good friend of mine, I was told, that based on my actions made regarding buying a house for myself – my conscious mind was stupid compared to my inner mind (self)! It is interesting that this person trusts no feelings, or senses, and functions only on logic and plans, very long-term plans actually.

So, the idea that occurred to me was that we always know (somehow, deep inside) what to do, and all that keeps us not to manifesting and acting accordingly, was exactly a book we were made to follow, an ancient rule, a parent’s desire, and why not (?) even society’s.

What should we do when blockages appear and we lose ourselves? We need to break the pattern, to change frequency as we do when we don’t like the TV show, or radio music – just stop and change to what we feel suits our soul best.

Healing always comes from the inside.

Nobody got successful by doing a job never liked, and nobody found happiness living with the wrong partner. Last, but not least, nobody felt free in a place where it felt like anything else but FREEDOM to enjoy LIFE.

Photo by Life Of Pix on

Why do we need to keep struggling before our dreams to come true? Because we need to learn we can not control everything and we have to just go trust our unknown powers of dealing with everything as it comes

Trust yourself, because nobody knows better than YOU do!

The countryside dream

We heal others in order to heal ourselves first.

One can not offer something before having same need. If you have never been thirsty, you will never think of offering water to someone.

This is the reason that makes me write about different subjects – because I already lived them, or I am still living them, and some are already overcome and closed.

The last almost 3 years showed me one can loose everything, even its both parents, but mainly I am referring to freedom of circulation, to job, to lots of rights and liberties people usually own in democracy states, as my european country – Romania.

Many or all of us felt that we had no power for our own lives. We are so fragile. Physically and mental.

We felt lost and started to search for ourselves in different places, as we realized we have been emptied of ourselves… in the rush of consumption

I felt like the city, the streets, the buildings and walls were squeezing me, the breath in me… while searching for a job, for solutions, of a purpose – so I started to read, to learn, to write. Never quitted believing.

My dream of living in the middle of the nature, having a natural way of life, started to become more vivid than ever, as it also seemed to be a very good option for surviving without having a job – gardening and foraging, maybe also hunting.

Photo by Pixabay on

Natural healing – green grass and blue sky

I studied Law school and worked mostly as a sales manager for different companies, even started my own company in 2019 August, and failed it in 2021 January… and went jobless until October.

JOBLESS is a hard way of living, a hardly bearable… I made an agreement for the rent, to postpone it until December, planted cucumbers and tomatoes in the balcony, and started to earn little money by writing small essays for students… and I physically survived.

But my mental was very sensible back then. Everything had the capacity to make me cry. I am still crying sometimes, but not so often.

How did I managed to keep myself “alive and kicking“? I kept remembering that people survived Holocaust, and World Wars…, some even got back from Siberia deportations…

I read and learned about natural remedies, remedies from herbs pickled up from nature. Even cured myself of some problems and used no pill since more than a year, and that is how I decided to grow plants in a garden and gather herbs from nature to make teas and cure people.

Nature has this power of healing us. To breath the smell of the forests is a dream I succeeded to accomplish. And now, when I finally have a place under the sun that is mine, and no pandemic can make me feel insecure or lost, I need help to make it liveable. I dream to make it a place for other to heal as I did, to receive people from around the world, to feel the healing power of Nature.

Dreams come true.

You just have to believe!

the place from where I hope to write soon

Because I strongly believe in reciprocity I created a rewarded donation campaign, so that somebody that would want to help me, could choose something could benefit from my side:

unique pictures

tea bags with healing herbs from nature

tent places

or even house sharing

Please find the campaign here:

Blessed be!

Cine esti tu în viața ta?

Ti-ai alocat si ție vreun rol, sau exiști din inerție? Faci ce trebuie făcut, spui ce trebuie auzit, mergi unde e de mers, etc…

Am început să scriu acest blog convinsă că o fac doar pentru mine, ca terapie. Ca pe un jurnal. La fel si paginile de Facebook, cu remedii magice, să am unde aduna si găsi toate informațiile la nevoie.

M-am născut cu teama de a nu uita vreodată cine sunt, cum mă cheamă. De mică mă obsedează gândul că aș putea vreodată să uit, să nu știu unde merg, ce trebuie să fac – si de aceea, am început să scriu – practic, pentru mine.

Misticii spun că temerile cele mai mari reprezintă conexiuni cu viețile noastre anterioare, ultimele momente de viață. Fobiile. Am întâlnit o persoană care isi cercetase prin regresie vietile anterioare, si astfel a descoperit că fobia (defapt groaza fată) de porumbei, găini sau orice pasăre zburătoare, venea de la drama unei vieți anterioare care se sfârșise cu moartea sa ca pirat lăsat legat de un catarg… unde păsările cerului i-au sfâșiat trupul.

Am citit si experimentat suficient încât să știu puterea intenției, însă unele stări depășesc orice limite ale imaginației.

Din acest motiv si datorită unor abilități de a discerne realitatea reușesc să înțeleg că unele stări pot transcede dintr-o viață într-alta…

Te-ai trezit vreodată din senin cu sentimentul de deja-vu față de un loc, o replică, sau un miros?

Să ți se pară că STIAI deja ?

ar fi fost ciudat sa nu 🙂

Uneori avem vise în care apar in detaliu locuri unde în mod conștient nu am mers niciodată – de unde vin?

Preotii spun că visele NU sunt de la Dumnezeu. Poate ca nu or fi. Vin din Univers. Dumnezeu poate nu vrea să ne vedem în ansamblu, ci doar să ne ocupam de viață noastră, aici pe Pământ.

Dacă putem


Si dacă nu putem?

atunci suntem nevoiți sa lăsăm frâu liber instinctelor, să eliberam creativitatea, si să facem ceea ce SIMTIM că ne împlinește.

O sa îmi spui că nu trăim doar cu aer – desi știm bine că sunt persoane care se hrănesc doar cu Prana, sau cu apă.

Însă, da, avem nevoie să ne câștigăm traiul.

Important este să rămânem conectați la noi înșine si la ceea ce ne umple sufletele de pace, să ne angrenăm în activități pe care simțim că le știm deja, să avem senzația că totul este o joacă plăcută.

E usor să dai sfaturi, adevărat. Însă cu timp, răbdare si determinare, toate sunt posibile.

Multi ani din viața mea – aproape douăzeci, am consumat energie vitală agitând-mă în lumea Vânzărilor, în presiunea obținerii unor cifre, în viteza si goana pentru depășirea standardelor – lucru ce îmi plătea facturile, dar mă si îndepărta (încet si sigur) de mine însămi.

Poate este efectul recentei pandemii, trezirea la Sine.

Momentul acela când mergând pe o sosea cu 2 benzi pe sens nu vedeai nici o mașină în fată sau în retrovizoare… mai trist de atât nu există – nici un film despre Sfârșitul Lumii nu ar fi putut reda așa brutal nevoia de a mai primi o șansă .

Ai simțit asta? Durerea de a nu mai putea face nimic. Senzația de a fi “legat” si interzis.

Tu ce ai schimbat la tine, după experiența acestei pandemii?

Cum te-ai pregătit pentru următoarele?

Cum te simți TU în viața ta?

Love yourself first

Have you ever felt to share your dreams, in order to receive confirmation, to get support in doing it? Yes, we all did at some point.

As childish as it may seem, people don’t care about others’ dreams. Average people.

They usually tend to make you accomplish their needs.

The understanding of this happened to me this year. And I feel like it was already kind of late, but I am grateful it happened – better later than never. I was surprised to find out some people were raised intro this, educated by their parents – well…. I wasn’t that lucky, and this is the reason I started writing about this – so that you, or others like us, could read about it.

It is nothing selfish in not sharing your plans, but protective.

How do you do this? Just make tests, and see what others would feel about it, and then you will know what to do.

Let me explain:

a brother or sister may want you close to him/her, just to help them raise their kids, or help with the house, and they will particularly tell you to live together until you eventually get married – but the trick is you will never do that because you can’t meet someone being a housekeeper for your family…

Another dangerous situation is coming from parents, mothers mostly.

A mother has that powerful tool which is called “mother’s prayer” – a tool that can literally kill a human being. Because even if Universe gives this power to a mother, it doesn’t necessarily give her also the ability to use it right.

By now I have already seen a woman beaten by her lover, only because her mother was praying and making priests from monasteries pray that the daughter separated from that man – and their life together became hell…

I have also discovered a man suffering from different kinds of accidents every time he went somewhere else than work or his mother’s house. He bought a house in another city, and he got so ill that he knew it could kill him – the mother convinced him some jealous girl made his spells, but she just wanted him close to her. He changed jobs and moved from the city. Then he started again to have spare time and went traveling with his new expensive car, but not visiting too often his mother – he started to have some skin irritation in the root chakra zone….

Another mother prays for her daughter across another continent to fail her love&professional life and come back to her… The daughter started to gain weight and have problems…

All the above examples have in common a very old (more than 70 years old) loving mother that prays for the good they think their children need, trespassing the kids’ free will.

Of course, my mother tried this too… but I will talk about it some other time.

The examples I gave are real, from people around me, one even asked me to “find out” what was the reason for the situation…

Destroying dreams is an occupation family has, and it seems it is their life purpose.

It is not a joke or a funny line. It is said that we are born into a family that for sure will make us not remember who we are and where we need to go!

Yes, this posting is as a warning. We also have to protect ourselves, not just open up to others.
Keep this in mind for your own good.
Nobody told this me, so I felt like I need to help others by writing this to be found of those in need.
So, if you read it until here, it definitely means that you needed to be told this today.
Blessed be!

Road to Home

Every time we feel alone or sad, we need to go to a place of wonders, where no evil can enter, where to feel protection and infinite love. Does such a place exist? Do we create it as building a house, a garden, or some other place? or is it all only creation of our thoughts? Is it about God?

Some of us feel better when watching peaceful movies, listening to soft music or sounds, others enjoy sleeping, or on the contrary, some would never sleep when feeling bad… Others will feel great if meditating, most of the people feel better when hugged or kissed by the loved ones, many of us will forget anything if they receive money or gifts, other when eating sweets, or drinking and smoking.

We are different, but in a certain way, we are so similar, because each of us has that little something that brings him closer to Home. What’s home? Home is where your soul is. Home is what makes you feel special.

The majority of the religions and spiritual beliefs are telling us that when Souls are sent to Earth, they are memory erased to see if they could find their road back Home.

So we should know that the call of the heart, will always take us on our road to Home. When you have that profound feeling for doing, or eating, or creating, or writing, or making anything else, well that is your Soul’s way of teaching you how to love yourself!

Deep inside, you already know!

You just have to let yourself believe it!

Believing is Creating!

We are the Creators of our lives!


As being one of the most ancient science, herbalism represents the art of healing with only the help of plants. In fact herbalism is medicine itself in its prehistoric times.

Herbal medicine represents the study of pharmacognosy and the use of medicinal plants, which are a basis of traditional medicine performed by women of ancient times.

Many of them were killed or burned alive for this practice of healing, for the sin of having the knowledge of nature.

But those recipes and remedies are not lost, and many of us know about them. That so called green witchery has been transmitted and has its rightful place among healeers over any pharmacy recipe.

For those who are passionate of this crafting I created a journal just perfect to gather all the plants and their features, to gift it or to keep it in the family for next generations.

Please see on product list this journal for taking notes. It is the perfect inspirational daily herbalism journal for practitioners of herbalism, for beginners and herbal enthusiast to record and save all your preferred herbs and herbal medicine mixtures.

Place your order directly on :

Goddess Alina

The purpose of my work and actions is to help and support all those who need me and appear in my way or interact in some way with my energy.

I will support, within the limits of divine permission, all those who need and ask for help to find their own way.

Blessed be!

The awakening of my healing powers

My very first book

I first started to write when I was almost 12 years old.

Fantastic short sories about a girl’s life seeking love and protection. Later on, after 5-6 years, my first novel spoke about a young woman from past century in few intro chapters… but as I let myself be carried away by the wave of life, other things appeared more important.

A short time ago this year, things started to change, so I changed.

We are all experiencing different types of change nowadays, and we need to stick to the main one – inner self-evolution.

As my self healing always came from writing, I started to write again to heal… The universe sometimes gives me hints and asks me things, like why don’t you try to help others? – what a joke, as I felt the biggest need ever to be helped! And then I realize that when we give others what we need, we heal ourselves.

That was the moment I started to write as un adult, and published my first book this year. You can find it on for purchase. This is the link: